Navigating Change with Cultural Intelligence

Navigating Change with Cultural Intelligence

Change is constant. And in today’s interconnected world, navigating change effectively requires more than just flexibility—it requires cultural intelligence. Although I practice and teach cultural intelligence, there are times when people associate my work with another body of research that has been in the news lately: DEI or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Because they can have similar outcomes, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how DEI and cultural intelligence correlate.

DEI is not my area of expertise. Rather, I focus on the ability to navigate domestic and international cultural differences. This is vital for leaders and their organizations who want to create harmony, improve communication, expand innovation, build rapport with customers and investors and bolster confidence in interactions both in and outside the domestic market. That’s why I work with organizations and their leaders who want to confidently create a cohesive culture where everyone – from all walks of life – feels like they belong.

What’s next

What if you and your team could build a skill set to effectively talk and work with just about anyone? Using this skill set, called cultural intelligence, helps ensure that you and those you talk with feel valued, heard, seen and engaged. These are the skills and tools anyone with curiosity, compassion and tenacity can develop over time.

With cultural intelligence, you are equipped to upend distracting day-to-day friction, collaborate smoothly within multicultural teams and create meaningful cross-cultural products and services.

Ensuring that everyone feels valued, heard, seen and engaged can be tough, particularly with workplaces and communities growing more diverse by the day. So, what if you…

  1. Are unsure about how to navigate cross-cultural interactions?
  2. Wonder if diversity in an organization only adds more conflict?
  3. Say something that’s hurtful?

Those are legitimate questions. In a time of uncertainty, normal human responses shy away from candid communication, remain silent or find someone to blame when things go south and lash out in anger. Silence or psychological violence are convenient ways to make some sort of meaning out of a bewildering situation. But another more productive response to the uncertainty is possible: empathy. Empathy is akin to solidarity. It is born of the understanding that we are all in this together.

In what together? For starters, we’re all in the uncertainty together. And that may be exactly why you’re reading this article – because you don’t always know how to communicate solidarity and create connections with people who have a different perspective or background. Know that you are not alone.

Whether it’s in your community making new friends or on a conference call with colleagues or clients, cultural intelligence is what enables you to appreciate another person’s perspective, even when you don’t agree, and adapt your words and actions that show them genuine respect. It’s the pathway to a shared understanding and mutual appreciation. The best part is this is how you create win-win scenarios that bridge divides and nourish human connection in workplaces and community spaces. That’s what creates a sense of safety and belonging in any organization.

Consider this: Only about half of American workers feel valued at work (Calvin, 2023). Considering that work is where people spend the bulk of their time, the overall feeling they have about their jobs is essential to productivity, engagement and, ultimately, success for any  organization and community.

So, it’s important that businesses…

  • Review policies: Ensure your hiring and workplace practices comply with existing laws.
  • Adapt diversity initiatives if that’s important to your organization. If it is, you can align your efforts with legal frameworks while continuing to foster a culture where no one is left feeling sidelined or silenced.
  • Ground decisions and policies in cultural intelligence: Build a cohesive culture that acknowledges domestic and international differences and recognizes that unique talent as an asset for reaching a broader market.

In today’s environment, cultural intelligence has never been more important. It allows leaders and organizations to navigate complex diversity issues with sensitivity and insight. By fostering an understanding of different cultures and healthy communication, businesses and their leaders can create a culture in which all employees feel valued and heard, even in changing political or legal climates.

Let’s connect

In this fast-changing world, it’s crucial for businesses and their leaders to stay ahead of the curve. If you’re looking for more information on how to adapt your strategies and build a high-performing, cohesive team, I’d love to connect. You can reach out here for tailored guidance and support on navigating these changes with cultural intelligence. You can also learn at your own pace and get the tools you need to work effectively with just about anyone in my online, self-study course.

Together, we can make sure your workplace remains sustainable, inclusive and productive for years to come.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Don’t Speak First

Don’t Speak First

I’ve noticed you’re the first to speak up when I ask a question in our training sessions,” I observed.

“I’m trying to get things started,” explained Dean in our executive coaching session. Dean is Chairman of the Board and takes part of the leadership development training we’re doing for the organization. Dean said, “If people are going to attend the meetings, they should speak up.”

Amy: “You’re right; their engagement is important. What prompts you to think you need to speak first and get things started?”

Dean: “After you ask a question, the silence is awkward.”

Amy: “It is awkward. May I share why that is?

Dean: “Sure.”

Amy: “In the U.S. we can handle only about 4 seconds of silence before someone feels the need to fill the gap. So, I’m wondering what if you allowed someone else to fill the silence? It could be interesting to hear their ideas.”

Dean: “It could be. But what if minutes go by and no one says anything? Then what do you do?”

Amy: “That won’t happen.”

Dean: “How can you be so sure?”

Amy: “I can be sure because I can adjust.”

Dean: “How?”

Amy: “If people aren’t talking, it’s typically for one of two reasons. Either they don’t feel safe or the question is too hard.

Dean: “Interesting.”

Amy: “If the question is too hard, I can ask a simpler one. For example, instead of asking, ‘Why did this happen?’ I can ask, ‘What happened first?’

“If the question is easy enough and participants are still quiet, that indicates participants don’t feel safe. As the facilitator, I can help create a safe space for participants to open up. That’s how I’ll get to hear their uniquely creative and ingenious ideas.

Dean: “How do you create a safe space?”

Amy: “As a leadership team, we’ve been developing the cultural intelligence, right? [Dean nodded.] Cultural intelligence is compassion for another within their unique circumstances. That compassion gives you a choice as their leader to either try to demand they talk now or allow for their circumstances and give them options for how they share.

Dean: “How do I do that?”

Amy: “For example, the introverts, neuro-divergent thinkers and those who have been historically marginalized often appreciate having think time before they speak up.

“To give them think time, you can…

  • Send out an agenda ahead of time so they know how to prepare.
  • Ask them to write their answer on a post-it note. That way you already have the 100% engagement you’re actually seeking.
  • Invite them to share the best way for them – aloud within the meeting or via email after the meeting.
  • Ask an open-ended question and then count to 10 in your head. That slows you down and gives them think time to offer thoughtful answers.”

Dean: “Good to know.”

Amy: “May I ask you a question?” [Dean nodded.] What if you didn’t share at the beginning of the meeting but shared in the middle instead?”

Dean: “What for?”

Amy: “It can be tough for some employees to open up when the boss is in the room. Even though you’re a nice guy, the power you wield can be intimidating. What if you use your voice to empower your team members so they feel safe and seen? You can say something like, “Lois, I appreciate your idea. It sounds like you are developing a new pathway for the client. Did I get that right?” Then drop into silence and see what she says.

Dean: “That’s doable.”

Amy: “From our training, you’ll recognize the steps…

  1. Say their name – it’s affirming to hear your name.
  2. Paraphrase what was said – it demonstrates you’re really listening.
  3. Check your impact – it communicates you care about their experience.

“When you check your impact, you can say, ‘What was the impact of my words?’ Or ’How does that land on you?’ This last step not only communicates you care but also allows you to learn if you have a mutual understanding of the issue.

“So let me check, how does this idea land on you?”

Dean: I like it. I’ll do it.

What happened

At the next training, Dean didn’t speak first. He spoke up in the middle and followed the three steps. The colleague he affirmed smiled broadly. Then he did it two more times. Seeing the power of affirmation since then, Dean continues to hold his tongue and talks in the middle of the meeting, affirming and empowering his colleagues.


Sometimes a boss doesn’t realize how powerful they are and empowering they can be. When employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, organizations realize an increase in job satisfaction, employee engagement, and ultimately, improved retention rates. This translates into significant savings for organizations, as the cost of replacing a lost employee can range anywhere from 30% to 400% of their annual salary. Also, a study by the Harvard Business Review (HBR) found that companies with highly engaged workforces have a 25% lower rate of voluntary turnover compared to companies with low engagement levels. This is why 60% of CEOs in a January 2024 study said retaining and engaging employees is their top priority. They increasingly recognize the critical role of their people in driving business success.

If this article resonates with you, please share. Dr. Amy works with organizations and their leaders who want to be confident communicators so that they can attract, retain and engage diverse talent. To learn more about executive coaching, click for a free discovery call.

Photo credit: Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

How to Talk Turkey

How to Talk Turkey

The phrase “talking turkey” usually refers to speaking frankly, discussing hard facts, or getting down to business. “Turkey” by itself has a number of meanings. Of course, it’s known primarily as the big-feathered awkward bird almost 90% of Americans enjoy during their Thanksgiving feast. While taking home a turkey is considered a brag-worthy feat, being called one is not. It’s considered an insult.

Today there’s a lot of “talking turkey,” especially in boardrooms, congressional hearings and in political debates – one more reason why, during the holidays, it’s nice to just sit back, relax and eat the turkey.

This year many of us can be thankful for being alive and for the support we have found in one another. But how do you sit back, relax and enjoy talking especially in trying times like these? Our country and conversations are pretty divided but does our family dinner or Zoom call have to be?

I’m glad you asked.

One of the ways to get at the answer is to consider our surrounding culture: Is it task-based or relationship-based? In dominant American culture it is so much the former. We can get so caught up in our to-do lists, sometimes it doesn’t even occur to slow down and listen to one another. Yet, as human beings we have a deep need for human connection. When we don’t take the time to connect with ourselves and one another, we can feel isolated and alone, even in a crowded room.

How to connect

To connect with another, you need to “see” the other by accepting their feelings and experience as legitimate, even when their experience is different from your own. How do you do that?

When family or friend brings up a topic that is off-putting or hurtful to you, slow down, take a deep breath and notice your assumption. Even if they get your ire up, notice how they’ve struck a chord, acknowledge your internal reaction and temporarily hold off from expressing it out loud. Let them finish talking. How you feel is important. So is what they’re saying. While they’re talking and you’re feeling, imagine how they feel. When they’re finished, you can name that emotion you sense they feel. You don’t have to agree with their opinion or even completely understand, but you can affirm their feelings and experience. You can say something like:

  • “Sounds like you’re mad.”
  • “That must have been tough.”
  • “It’s disappointing when someone doesn’t understand.”

It can also help to learn more about where they are coming from. Abraham Lincoln said, “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.” With a posture of curiosity, you can learn another person’s story by gently requesting more information. You can ask something like:

  1. “May I ask you a question?”
  2. “What happened to you?”
  3. “What was that like?”

How the questions helped

In a coaching session, I learned from a young military veteran. He was recently retired, having just completed two tours of duty in Afghanistan. When I heard his background, I thanked him for his service. He didn’t respond so we moved to another topic. Later on in the conversation, I asked, “May I ask you a question?” He nodded. “I noticed you were quiet when I thanked you for your service. Would you help me understand what made you quiet?

As I listened to his story about Afghanistan, I could not even imagine what it was like to be so far from home, in such a vastly different place, fighting for your life day in and day out for over a year, only to do it all over again. The experience had not left him in a good place. After he related his story and I affirmed his feelings and experience, he told me he had not spoken much about his service until this point. He said he was feeling relieved. He thanked me for listening and the work I was doing.

He went on to explain that it hurts when people thank him for his service because, right or wrong, he struggles with the fact that some people in the military have jobs that don’t put them in harm’s way but people thank them with the same words.

I said, “That’s tough. It sounds like it comes across as dissmissive.

He said, “It does.”

I said, “I’m sorry I sounded dismissive. Thanks for teaching me. It sounds like, if I thank someone for their military service, I have an opportunity to learn how those words impact the person. I can say, ‘Thank you for your service to our country. Then I can ask, ‘How do my words impact you?’”

He said, “I think that would be good to check your impact. How did you learn to do this work?”


I’m not always successful creating a connection, particulalry when I’m tired or hungry. But when my needs are met, I’ve discovered this posture of learnng is what enables me to create genuine human connection. This genuine connection is the best part. And so often when you take the time to learn and honor other person, they want to hear your story too. Though you may not agree with their politics or be able to relate to their experience, you can affirm their feelings as legitimate. It may take a few minutes or 15 minutes, but hear them out, ask if you can ask and then ask what happened. Together, you and the other person can develop a shared understanding both differentiating and integrating your ideas so you both feel valued, seen and heard.

Working together to develop a shared understanding is cultural intelligence in action. Cultural intelligence allows you to stand in solidarity with another, communicating you are not alone. Listening and affirming a person’s experience is one of the greatest gifts you can give, not just during the holiday season but throughout the year. -Amy Narishkin, PhD

If you enjoyed this article, please share it. If you’d like to learn to feel more confident talking and working with just about anyone, you can take my self-study course. In just six 30-minute lessons you can have a full tool box of tools to create genuine human connection.

Photo by Mikkel Bergmann on Unsplash

Don’t Ask Why

Don’t Ask Why

“People don’t answer questions anymore,” Andrea told me in an executive coaching session. Andrea is a systems engineer leader. Along with her other duties, she recently took on the role of mentoring emerging leaders at her company. In this session, she was wondering how to foster learning and still support those who weren’t answering her questions.

Amy: “What kinds of questions are you asking that they don’t answer?”

Andrea: “I ask them to explain why they did or said what they did in situations they bring up.”

Amy: “Ah, you want them to share their thought process so you can build on their current understanding.”

Andrea: “Exactly.”

Amy: “That’s effective mentoring, to learn their context and build on it rather than assume you know and just talk at them. That compassionate approach is cultural intelligence in action.”

Andrea: “I know it’s important, and yet I feel so frustrated they don’t want to answer my mentor’s-sort-of-questions.”

Amy: “You’re asking them using the word, ‘why,’ correct?” Andrea nodded. “That’s likely the problem. A ‘why’ question in our culture is like a hot burner on the stove – don’t touch it.

Andrea: “Really?! Why not?” Andrea saw the irony in the question she just asked and laughed.

Amy: “That’s a good question! It’s typically because people, whether they’re 4 or 40 years old, don’t know why they just did or said what they did. As a result, when you ask, ‘Why?’ they really don’t know, which makes them feel uncomfortable. People usually don’t want to admit when they don’t know something.”

“Because they don’t know why, ‘why’ questions make them feel defensive.”

Andrea: “I’ve seen that defensive response. So what can I say to learn about their thought process?”

Amy: “There are a number of ways to go about it. The simplest is to ask, “What prompted you to say (or do) that?

Andrea: “Hmm. Interesting. I’ll try it.”

Three days later

I saw Andrea and asked her how it was going.

Andrea: “You’re right, I actually got a response when I asked the ‘What prompted you?’ question instead of the ‘Why? question. But I noticed there was still some hesitation to share. I don’t know why that is.”

Amy: “I get that.” Andrea looked confused. “Until they know you well and you’ve built up some trust, your mentee may be afraid of being blamed or shamed. The way around that is by giving them a reason for why you asked.”

Andrea: “I need to do even more?!”

Amy: “Helping people understand the reason behind your request is actually very motivating. They’ll be more likely to respond and provide even more detail.”

Andrea: “What does that sound like?”

Amy: “It’s as simple as: ‘What prompted you to do that? I’d like to know so that others can follow your example.’ By saying ‘what’ instead of ‘why’ and sharing your motive for asking helps both of you relax and perform at an optimal level.”

Andrea: “That’s super helpful. I wish I’d known this years ago.”

‘Why’ mentoring

Mentoring grounded on culturally intelligent practices, such as the one Andrea is using, is a win all the way around. The mentor is tapped for their expertise, valued for their growth mindset and recognized for their commitment to the organization. The mentee is recognized for their potential leadership, empowered to leverage their unique abilities and encouraged to think strategically for the benefit of the company and their colleagues. The result is, nearly 70% of businesses with an effective mentoring program report enhanced productivity, due to the program and the fact that, because of it, participating employees are 49% less likely to leave their jobs. Along with these successes, CEOs recognize that building a pipeline of capable leaders is essential for driving their organizations forward and ensuring long-term success. -Amy s. Narishkin, PhD

If you like this teaching, read more here. Dr. Amy works with organizations and their leaders who want to be confident communicators so that they can attract and retain diverse talent. To learn more about executive coaching, click for a free discovery call.

Photo credit: Felipe Simo on Unsplash

Managing Remote Meetings

Managing Remote Meetings

“Several members of our leadership team are remote, so our weekly meetings are virtual. It makes me furious when they’re not engaged. Why show up if you’re not going to participate?!” said John, a CEO, in our executive coaching session.

Amy: “That is infuriating. What prompts you to bring it up?”

John: “I want them to be better.”

Amy: “I get that. I also know you can’t change them but you can change you.

John: “What do I need to change?”

Amy: “Think about what behaviors are infuriating. Then consider what you need to see instead.”

John: “I need them to be engaged and participate.”

Amy: “Exactly. What does that look and sound like? By that mean, what specific behaviors are you looking for?

John: “Oh, I need their cameras on, cell phones down and eye contact. And I’d like them to contribute to the conversation. Some of them are totally silent.”

Amy: “That’s it. I’d recommend that you set those expectations for behavior in an email ahead of time, along with the objective for the meeting. That way they won’t be taken by surprise.

“Your email might include: ‘During tomorrow’s 10 AM meeting we’ll be [for example] brainstorming expectations for virtual calls. To make the most of our 50-minute meeting, I’d like each of us to:

  • Turn on your camera,
  • Set aside and silence your cell phone.
  • Look at the screen.
  • Aim to contribute at least twice in a meeting, either in chat, aloud or in an email after the meeting – in whichever way you feel most comfortable.’

”In the email, state day and time, a meeting outcome (a brainstormed list), a time-limit and then your expectations for behavior. When participants know what to expect, they’re typically more prepared, relaxed and collaborative.

“Also, if you allow people to participate in a way that’s most comfortable for them, those who are introverted, neurodivergent or from historically marginalized groups can feel safe sharing their ideas too. As time goes on, you’ll see them contributing more and more as they discover their needs are being accommodated.”

John: “That’ll work. But how do I make them do it?”

Amy: “You can’t make them, really. But you can encourage them by…

  • Letting them know ahead of time what behaviors you’re looking for.
  • Asking an open-ended question that doesn’t have a right/wrong answer, like: ‘What behaviors should everybody expect on a virtual call?’
  • Following up with an email to each of them individually, saying thanks for showing up and naming something they did that was productive and helpful.

Nobody is going to get all the behaviors right the first time but, with your encouragement and affirmation, they’ll get better and better. People like and need attention. If you reinforce the productive behavior, you’ll get more and more of it over time.”

John: “I’ve never sent a follow-up email like that before. They won’t believe me. Besides, what do I say?”

Amy: “You’re right; some may not believe you but some will. Once you’ve done it a few times, they’ll start to trust you. You can also give it a shot and see the response.

“As for what you say, reinforce the good stuff they did. You might say, ‘Eric, I saw you nodding and responding to what was being said in our meeting today. I appreciate your affirming posture and how you’re supporting this work. You and your leadership are vital to this team.’

“How’s that sound?”

John: “I’ll give it a shot.”

What happened

I got an email from John the next day. He said, “I did what you suggested and sent an email to each team member. You were right. Initially it felt a little different but by the time I was finished, I actually felt gratified in being able to personally connect with everyone and call out their helpful behaviors. A number of them responded almost instantly to the messages, and they’re all positive. This is incredible.

To get from workplace drama and factions to collaborating teams, leaders can set in motion a new norm, a culturally intelligent system for communication. In this system, leaders communicate and reinforce expected behaviors while allowing for unique participation.

This allows leaders to gain the full strengths of their diverse workforce and build organic collaboration and retention because people feel valued, seen and heard. How people feel is essential to growing productivity, engagement and collaboration in any organization.

Dr. Amy works with organizations and their leaders who want to be confident communicators so that they can attract and retain diverse talent. To learn more about executive coaching, click for a free discovery call.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Own Your Difference

Own Your Difference

“I’ve noticed something truly valuable that Brayden (not his real name) is learning this year as a senior,” his mom said. Brayden’s mom had attended my program on how to “Communicate Confidently with Just About Anyone.”

Amy: “What’s he learning this year?”

Mom: “How to navigate conversations. It’s particularly challenging because he is on the autism spectrum. He gets anxious because he doesn’t know how his difference is going to impact people or how they’re going to react to him.”

Amy: “I can imagine conversations would be intimidating when you can’t read people’s reactions or anticipate their actions. And I’m sure it makes things worse that people often don’t know how to talk with someone who is neurodivergent.

Mom: “Exactly.”

Amy: “Based on what you heard in my program, may I make a suggestion for him?”

Mom: “Sure!”

A suggestion

Amy: “You might remember the tool I called ‘Share Short’ [she nodded]: Share one thing in a sentence or two about yourself so that the other person knows where you’re coming from. So for example he might say, ‘I’m on the spectrum and not always aware of how my words impact people. It helps me if you let me know how my words come across.’

“I make this suggestion because it works for my daughter. She’s not on the spectrum but her job, as a journalist, depends on her learning a person’s story. More often than not, they have a very different experience or background. She and I figured out a long time ago that, if she owns her difference up front, that can make the other person feel more comfortable opening up. For example, if she’s talking with a person of color, she might say, ‘I’m white and have just my own point of view that can limit my understanding of a situation. It would help me if you’d share your experience so I can learn and get more of the story.’

“How does that idea land for you?”

Mom: “I love that idea. [She hesitates.] I’m also trying to picture Brayden saying that.”

Amy: “Is that because it can be scary to own your difference out loud?”

Mom: “Yeah, exactly.”

Amy: “Can I offer a different perspective on your concern?”

Mon: “Of course.”

Amy: “You’re right. It does take courage to name your difference. Also, the thing that feels like vulnerability within us actually looks like courage to others. Owning your difference comes across strong.”

Mom: “That’s a good point. I’ve noticed that too.”

Amy: “When you bring the idea to him, you can take the pressure off by suggesting that every conversation is a learning conversation for everybody in it. No one ever really knows where a conversation is going or how they’ll impact the other person. Just like I never would have anticipated you and me talking about neurodivergence. Every encounter is just another opportunity to practice having compassion for the other person in their circumstances and creating a connection. That’s cultural intelligence in action.” 

Mom: “That’s really helpful. Let me circle back and let you know Brayden’s response.”

In the meantime

Because I practice what I teach, I tried out my own suggestion at my next networking event. I watched for an opportunity to “Share short” at the event.

“I paid attention to the courage I had to muster to name my difference out loud. After I spoke with a small group of people for about 10 minutes, I told them, ‘I’m gregarious but I’m also an introvert, so networking doesn’t come easy. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go do the hard work of joining another group. I gotta keep practicing.” All three people in the group lit up.

One said, “Oh my gosh, I’ve never heard it said that way. I’m gregarious but networking is hard for me too.”

Another said, “I know, right?! It can be hard to work a room.”

And another person said, “Thanks for letting us know. Good luck!”

Two more times that morning I owned my difference. Every time I was greeted with surprise, appreciation and grace. It seemed to me that people, at least in that gathering, appreciated me being real, a little transparent and a little vulnerable.”

I emailed Brayden’s mom to tell her how my experiment went.

His mom’s reply

Mom: “Amy, I love this story. I love that you practice what you teach. I think most people, in those moments of awkwardness, lean into pretending they are comfortable and it doesn’t work well. It’s courageous to show your vulnerability that way. It sounds like your authenticity gave those people courage to own their own discomfort and created a real moment of connection for you all.

“You’ve inspired me to follow up with Brayden. I want him to be in a good headspace when he provides feedback, so I’ll loop back with you soon.”

Brayden’s response

Brayden’s mom emailed me back. She told me Brayden said, “I think this could be useful to people. I have started owning my difference when I think it’s necessary and it does help. But doing it at the beginning of every new interaction feels forced to me. When I do use it, I say: ‘I have autism and I can’t always understand people’s feelings or communicate in the best way. Please let me know how my words come across.’”

Mom: “I have seen him do this, and it does seem to make a difference for him. I’m not sure he consistently remembers to ask how he’s coming across, so sometimes I gently remind him of that strategy. I think it’s one of the most important parts. Thank you for learning and growing along with us.”

Action steps for everyone

 When an encounter is new, you may feel uncomfortable. However, if you’re safe, you can…

  1. Notice your feelings and the potential for being courageous.
  2. Share short: In one or two sentences, name the thing that’s unique about you that could give someone the impression you don’t understand.
  3. Make your request to learn from the other person.

To own your difference can be counter-intuitive and is counter-cultural. Though not often done, it’s what creates connection and compassion between colleagues, clients, neighbors and family. And since corporate and community culture is built one encounter at a time, applying cultural intelligence this way is a means to greater collaboration, retention and profit in any organization.

Dr. Amy is a speaker, author and coach. She works with organizations and their leaders who want to be confident communicators so that they can attract and retain diverse talent. Click to learn the skills leaders need to talk, travel and work across cultures.

 Photo credit: Ralph Katieb on Unsplash

Let Them Lead

Let Them Lead

You know that feeling. We’ve all felt it at one time or another. That feeling of awkward or uncomfortable when you’re talking with someone who’s different from you. When I find myself in a situation like that, I’ve learned to let the other person lead.

Awkward was certainly the way I felt when we arrived at the church fair on that late August day years ago. It was already sweltering at 9 am. That morning, the Word of Life Christian Church in North City St. Louis was hosting their annual church fair and school supply giveaway event. The event was being held across the street from our pocket-sized church on a rugged parking lot that sat in the shadow of a three-story abandoned school building.

When my husband, Cyril, and I arrived, our fellow church members were in full swing setting up chairs, tables, grills and tents. After we greeted and hugged everyone, Cyril jumped right in and got to work helping with setup. He’s more extroverted than I am; I’m more reserved and thoughtful. With all the hustle and bustle, all I could do was stand there in the middle of the parking lot wondering, “What can I, a White woman in an all-Black neighborhood, possibly have to offer?” Sure, I was a member of the church, but not everybody at this event was a member or even knew me.

In that quiet moment, it occurred to me that whatever I did, it would be good to sit down and not stand over people. I thought to myself, “That’s a good idea… OK, but where?”

That’s when I saw my buddy Jonathan at the entrance acting as a one-man welcoming committee. He was standing by a card table with two chairs provided for visitors to sit down and complete a short questionnaire. I thought, “That’s where I can sit.”

I went over, sat down and watched how Jonathan so easily engaged with folks, clapping shoulders and shaking hands. He knew the language of the community and shared their skin color. Since Jonathan and I often chat it up, it felt natural to help him with greeting. So, I stayed there, seated at the table. It wasn’t long before I noticed fellow moms, who had come for the school supplies, joining me at the table to complete the questionnaire.

Sitting there, I first noticed I was at kid eye-level. I got to talk with the children, ask their names and tell them mine. The little ones would tell me about their teacher and give me a hug. The teens would chat with me and laugh about their experiences. It was pretty clear the most important thing for me to do was lean in, deeply listen and affirm their experience.

Assumptions left at the gate

Since the first day of school had been three days earlier, I asked one little girl how school was going. As an educator, I’d heard that kids in the city don’t always start school the first day, but I didn’t know why. That didn’t seem right, since kids would start of the year already behind. But that day at the card table, I decided to leave my assumptions at the gate and just learn.

The little girl said she hadn’t started school yet. Her mom, who was sitting with me at the table, looked up and told me she’d lost her job as a nursing assistant. She didn’t have the money for her daughter’s school uniform.

For just a moment I was quiet and then said, “I get it. I’d want my child looking prepared for school.” She visibly relaxed. Jonathan overheard the conversation and offered to connect her with a friend who’s a nurse to see if she could help her find a job. I asked, “May I make a suggestion?” She nodded. I said, “If you’d like help getting a uniform, perhaps you can ask the ladies in the church.” She gave us each a hug and headed over to church.

At first, my sitting there at the table seemed insignificant, but I began to see its value. Just sitting there communicated: “I’m listening up – not down – to you,” and we’re in no rush. You matter. I could also see the impact of waiting and allowing people to reveal themselves, their needs, in their time. 

More to the story

Another mom came in through the gate with her three teenage children, a son and two daughters. When the mom sat down with the questionnaire, her daughters launched into telling me all about school. As we chatted, I noticed their brother was quiet, rather stoic. I asked him, “How’s school going?” He looked down and quietly shook his head. Their mom looked up and said, “He hasn’t started yet. He has developmental delays. I’m worried he’ll be bullied. I haven’t been able to get off work to meet with his teachers.”

I reflected on my own experience for just a moment and then said, “I understand; we need our kids safe. I’ve got children with learning disabilities. I like to meet with their teachers too. Do you mind if I ask you a question?” She said it was OK. I asked, “Does your son have an Individualized Education Plan or IEP?” She nodded. I said, “With an IEP, you can ask to meet with his team of teachers before the school year starts, when you’re free.

She said, “I didn’t know. I appreciate that information.”

I turned to her son and said, “That’s got to be tough when you don’t know what the other kids are up to.” He nodded. “You know, you can ask your teachers to help you figure out if a kid really wants to be your friend or they’re just yanking your chain. Most teachers really want to help.”

He looked up at me, in the eyes, and smiled. He said, “Thank you, ma’am.”

Steps for connection

That day it became very apparent that if I was going to connect in a meaningful way, I had to let them lead. This was particularly true in this context. I’m a person who is White, from a historically more powerful cultural group, attempting to connect with a person who is Black, from a historically marginalized group, so I need to let them take the lead. That way they can reveal in their time and in their way what and if they want to share. This is the case for anyone in a more powerful position – whether a man talking with a woman, an adult talking with a child or a boss talking with their subordinate.

When a culturally intelligent leader finds themselves in a situation where their color, gender, generation or job puts them in a more powerful position, they need to double their efforts to prove they’re trustworthy. This is because it isn’t just them talking, rather it’s them with all their history behind them that’s talking too.

To feel confident talking with just about anyone, you can take these three steps:

  1. Slow down, take a breath and withhold your assumption.
  2. Ask if you can ask a question, don’t assume it’s okay to.
  3. Share one thing about yourself to show vulnerability, then ask about them, listening to learn.

When I listen to learn, I can affirm their experience, even if it’s different from my own. Pursuing genuine human connection, I’ve discovered that both the other person and I have something to learn; we’re both changed and benefited. Letting them lead is also more productive than assuming I know the problem and the solution. It brings about clarity and mutual commitment toward bringing about a solution that works for most everyone.

Dr. Amy is a speaker, author and coach. She and her team work with organizations and their leaders who want to be confident communicators so that they can attract and retain diverse talent. Click to discover more skills through Empowering Partners’ online course and executive coaching.

Compassion in Command: A Police Chief’s Story

Compassion in Command: A Police Chief’s Story

“Leaders don’t know what they don’t know about their colleagues’ lives. Their personal lives could be impacting how they show up for work,” observed Chief Carter (not his real name at his request). A police chief in the St. Louis metro area, Chief Carter kindly reviewed my online self-study course, Awkward to Awesome. The course teaches leaders how to genuinely acknowledge and support cultural differences and see them as an asset for the organization. The following conversation followed his review.

Amy: “What did the course either teach or confirm for you?”

Chief Carter: “We need to have compassion for the human factor at work. I regularly suggest to my command leaders that they take a look at the different sides to an issue. That way they can get more of the story before acting. When a leader takes the time to get more of the employee’s story, the dialogue really opens up. That’s when a leader learns what the employee needs to be their best selves at work,” he told me.

“Compassion is covered well in your course. Particularly helpful is the case study of Director Collette. She couldn’t understand why her nurses were transferring to other locations within the hospital group or quitting altogether. It’s a good example of what not to do – attempt to build a team without compassion or considering the human factor – which we know doesn’t work.”

Amy: “You’re right, in that case study, Collette did not hold her team accountable with compassion. As a leader, can you give me an example of when compassion was needed under your command?”

Chief Carter: “I remember talking to one of my senior command administrators, who told me how he didn’t want to listen to a subordinate’s personal domestic problem. He thought it wasn’t his job, and he didn’t have time for these ‘non-work-related matters.’ I asked the commander if he thought that the personal domestic issues were affecting the officer’s job. He said they were, which were causing issues with scheduling, professionalism and attendance.

“I told him, ‘I understand your perspective. It can be exhausting dealing with other people’s problems.’ Then I suggested that by listening to understand his circumstances and showing compassion early on could resolve issues prior to them becoming an even bigger problem later and then seeping into job performance. But I wasn’t sure if he heard me.”

What’s compassion?

Compassion is a tangible expression of care for those who are suffering. Compassion for a person within their circumstances in a particular moment is cultural intelligence in action. Showing culturally intelligent compassion involves three elements:

  1. Notice
  2. Feel
  3. Respond

Notice – Slow down and check to ensure you’re safe. Notice your assumptions, your feelings and the other person’s reaction.

Feel – Feel your feelings and acknowledge them to yourself. Listen for the other person’s particular circumstances and imagine their pain.

Respond – Focus on them. Respond by labeling the person’s emotion aloud. Labeling begins with: “It sounds like…” Or “It seems like…” This language focuses the conversation on the other person. For example, you might say…

  • It seems like you’re hurt.
  • It sounds like you’re angry.

Note, it’s important that you say, “It sounds like…” not “I’m hearing that…” The word “I” gets people’s guard up and suggests you’re more interested in yourself than in them.

If the person disagrees with the emotion label you named and corrects you, that’s good. It’s good because they feel heard and want you to understand even better. Well done! You’ve created a connection. It can be helpful to respond is by gently saying, “Thank you for helping me understand.”

It’s also helpful for leaders to know: You can’t genuinely express compassion for another until you’ve first cared for you. By acknowledging your own humanity – all the broken and beautiful parts in there, you tend to have the bandwidth you need to care for another. The benefit of acknowledging your own and the other person’s feelings, each in your own unique context, communicates genuine understanding and solidarity. That feeling of being in solidarity is what creates a sense of belonging, commitment to the job and greater productivity in the organization.

Back to the story

Chief Carter said, “At first, when I suggested the commander consider listening to an employee tell him what was going on at home, it seemed like he wasn’t able to hear me. But after a few more incidents with this employee, he started listening, showing some compassion and brainstorming steps he could take. The commander told me that almost immediately the employee started performing better.

“What was interesting,” he continued, “is that it taught both the commander and me that compassion for a colleague’s circumstances is a concept that future command staff and leaders need to learn and apply. Even though this isn’t technically in our job description, it’s in our and our organization’s best interests, as well as just being the right thing to do.”

Amy: “That’s intriguing to consider—to accomplish your mission as a leader, it’s in your own and the organization’s best interest to incorporate compassion for people in their particular circumstances into your command. I appreciate you sharing your insight on how compassion benefits all the stakeholders in police work.”

Chief Carter kindly added, “I want to offer my sincere appreciation for your endeavor to unite diverse groups by prompting needed discussions on sensitive topics. Your compassion and motivation to bring people together is a testament to your good core values and is evident throughout your course.”

Amy: “Thank you, Chief Carter. Coming from someone in your position of influence, your words mean so much. I appreciate how you’re using compassion and cultural intelligence in the vital work you do to keep the public safe.” –Amy Narishkin, PhD

Dr. Amy is a speaker, author and coach. She and her team work with organizations and their leaders who want to be confident communicators so that they can attract and retain diverse talent. Click here to learn more about Empowering Partners’ online course and executive coaching.

Three Steps to Bridge the Divide

Three Steps to Bridge the Divide

“No matter who wins the upcoming election, there’s going to be a need for healing in this country,” said Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, Chief Medical Officer for Prevention at the American Heart Association. After attending my presentation, Eduardo said, “Cultural intelligence is an answer to the political divide.”

I asked him: “I think so too, but what prompts you to say that?”

Eduardo: “The root cause of the political divide is binary thinking. Binary thinking is a false narrative. There’s always more to the story about a person or problem. With cultural intelligence, you’re teaching people to really listen to others, learn their story and seek common ground. It’s like the middle space that overlaps the parts in a Venn diagram. Until you share your story and describe the nuance of your thinking, neither of you can imagine there’s common ground between you.”

Amy: “I like your analogy of the Venn Diagram. That helps me picture this. We don’t have to agree on all points; we can listen and find out where our thoughts, feelings and values overlap. Eduardo, what do you do when someone makes a strong statement that’s off-putting or maddening to you?”

Eduardo: “How does anyone engage in conversations with people who seem to completely disagree or are caught up in an exclusive agenda? You have to dig down with that person and learn more about their perspective. I often discover that they too care for people.

“I’ve heard people say that what makes Latinos unique is that they love to dance to good music and they love to eat good food. I can’t imagine there isn’t a person or group on this earth that doesn’t like to eat the food and dance to the music they love. That’s the common ground, if we look for it. But with wider gaps and tough topics, you have to dig down to get to the common ground.”

Amy: “That’s where we can be a healer – in our workplaces, community spaces, and homes – and figure out what brings us together. What is the divisor – the dividing factor – in a conversation?”

Eduardo: “I can give you an example. We may not all agree that everyone has the right to have health insurance but it is true that the lifespan in the U.S. is shorter overall than in most other Western countries. We can probably agree that there are health challenges that need to be addressed and identify the problem or pain point we can agree on. Then work from there.”

Amy: “So the problem or pain we want to solve is what leads us to the common ground where we can meet?

Eduardo: “Yes. There are two places where we get hung up and run into division – 1) when we’re trying to figure out the cause of the problem and 2) when we’re trying to determine what the solution should be. For the sake of healing or coming back together, we need to set aside what we think caused the problem and what we think will be the solution and instead figure out the pain we want to address.”

Amy: “So rather than getting hung up on a battle-ground issue, we can focus on finding the pain we can agree on that we’d like to address. Can you share an example?”

Eduardo: “Books in libraries is a battle-ground issue. If you think about it, the number of books people are concerned about isn’t really that many. Instead, let’s focus on an issue I think we can all agree on: all children should be able to read at least at grade level.”

Amy: “You’re right, so many of us can agree that children should be able to read at least at grade level. I’m curious, what prompts you, as a medical doctor, to be thinking about getting kids reading?”

Eduardo: “After I finished my residency, I was a doctor in clinical care for 10 years, serving low-income families mostly without insurance. It turns out that level of education predicts health. More education results in better health for so many reasons.

“Back to kids and reading. It also turns out that kids in households with lower income are less likely to have books in their homes. There’s a correlation between the number of books in the home and how kids do in school. More books equal higher vocabulary in kindergarten, which increases the likelihood of reading on grade level by third grade, which means a higher likelihood of graduating from high school.

“This cascade sets the stage for at least one year of higher education or certificate training. At least one year of higher education or training equals a longer life. So, instead of sample drugs, I had children’s books in my exam rooms. Each child got a book before they left my office. For younger children, I’d tell the parents that by reading books to their kids, the kids will…

  • Enter school with more vocabulary
  • Grow greater a bond with them [their parents]
  • Realize that, between the front and back covers, there’s an adventure.

“Some parents were embarrassed that they couldn’t read. I’d tell them that their kids didn’t know whether or not they could read. I’d say, “Use the pictures and make up a story. Your child will learn words, bond with you, and enjoy an adventure. That would satisfy them.”

Amy: “While you treated individual medical issues, you also took the opportunity to address a public health issue.”

Eduardo: “Yes. Books improve long-term health outcomes. The point is, getting kids reading is something we can all agree is worth addressing. I hope this helps.”

Amy: “It does! Thank you for helping me see how you’re using cultural intelligence – compassion for another’s context – to find common ground with a person with whom you may initially disagree.”

To recap, here are three steps for overcoming division and creating change together:

  1. Rather than focusing on the battle-ground issue, seek a common-ground problem. You can ask: “What’s the pain or problem that is upsetting to us both?”
  2. Don’t strive to convert, seek to cooperate. You can ask: “What can we do together to address the pain?”
  3. Speak to the dignity within each person. You can ask: “How can we learn more so that all the stakeholders are involved in the eventual solution?”

Eduardo is right, cultural intelligence offers a path to seek a shared understanding and mutual appreciation. No doubt, these three steps take time, tenacity and tenderness. The best part though is that these three steps lead to win-win scenarios that bridge divides and nourish human connection in workplaces and community spaces. That’s what creates a sense of safety and belonging in any organization.

To learn more tools that create a sense of safety, belonging and connection in just six thirty-minute sessions, individual employees and work teams can take my online course, Awkward to Awesome. Hosted by MaryvilleWorks, the course provides innovative, market-relevant workforce development solutions designed to meet your needs and complement your business strategy.

 Photo by Manuel Mnvx on Unsplash